Monday, May 19, 2014


My boyfriend Rob and I have recently decided to quit drinking for a few weeks. The decision really came after we realized how much money we've been spending on alcohol and the fact that money is tight for the next two weeks or so.

However, we've both realized we have a bit of a drinking problem. Not full-blown alcoholism (otherwise we wouldn't be able to stop, really) but we drink way too much and have too much of a dependency on alcohol. I know it's personally been something I use to 'help' with depression. It's become really concerning to me lately that I can drink an entire six-pack and not even feel a buzz.

It's funny, because I'm obese and struggle with weight loss and often feel discouraged because I have a hard time losing weight. But I really wonder how much of a difference not drinking will make. I've never counted how many calories I'm consuming from alcohol a week, but the number is easily over 5000 calories (if one beer is is 150 calories).


  1. Ha, thanks, girl. I didn't do so great with dinner last's my favorite meal. :3
